Welcome to the Academy.
The Mission of Lenoir City Christian Academy is to partner with parents in the discipleship journey of their children, engaging them in the Bible, establishing a Christian world view, and equipping students to be successful, life-long learners.
Year founded
From Aspiration
to Reality.
Lenoir City Christian Academy addresses educational practices from a Christian perspective by allowing each student the opportunity to begin to understand themselves and the world from a biblical worldview. This process happens through a variety of academic and developmentally appropriate strategies which include both formal instruction and informal interaction.About Us
Formal instruction will include activities such as chapel, classroom academic instruction, and discovery centers. Classroom instruction is driven by the concept of biblical integration meaning that the truths of the Bible are woven throughout all teaching in order that children may see all truth is God's truth. Informal interaction is concerned with the day to day interaction between students and the teacher and peer to peer relationships.View all programs
Who We Are.
Lenoir City Christian Academy (LCCA) exists to provide biblically-centered and developmentally appropriate academic instruction with the intention of equipping children to grow in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man (Luke 2:52). The curriculum, personnel, facilities, and daily operations are all determined with this goal in mind. It is our intention to partner with parents in determining the best course in life for each child. We cannot replace the responsibility of parents to raise children in the home where the love of God is taught and experienced.Book a Tour
Apply Now.
All applicants are not immediately enrolled into our academy. Each family will need to complete a tour and interview with a Lenoir City Christian Academy administrator. In addition, there will be a two-week acceptance period. This period allows Lenoir City Christian Academy administrators to ensure all student documents are in order before enrollment can be completed.Admissions